Painting & Collage

I paint as I write and write as I paint. Colours, textures, and mixed media are interwoven into textiles of paper. These are hand created collages of fabric and paper.

I work in series often returning to the same themes of poetry and philosophy. Landscape is an important marker to open up different spaces for exploration in story and abstraction.

Often working from memory and sketch, I plot a painting through mark, colour, paint and ink - and textile too.

‘Continuum’ 180 cm 140cm Mixed media - textile, ink, found paper, pigment

‘Listening paintings’ 320cm x 200cm Mixed media - Hand woven Indian woollen shawl, paper, oil pastel, ink

‘Dance of Atoms’ 180cm x 140cm Mixed media - kimono garment, paper, pigment, ink, graphite

‘Freedom’ 70cm x 40cm Mixed media - antique cloth, paper, oil paint, ink

‘Paper quilt’ 30cm x 30cm Mixed media Reused & Recycled collage of brush calligraphy

‘Purusha’ Mixed media 250cm x 200cm - pianola paper, silk, pigment, ink

“Thank you for your commitment, great artistic talent and being such a wonderful, open learner and partner in this. It has been a pleasure.”