Private Commissions

I love a creative brief and have worked with many clients over many years to create beautiful timeless heirlooms as gifts to celebrate, commemorate and mark occasion.

Gift to commemorate an outgoing trustee - praise in the voices of fellow trustees ‘written with a needle’ in their unique handwritten testimonials

The Book of the Dark. Hand stitched and hand written manuscript featuring poetry on black zerkall paper with tissue leaves and ‘captured’ feathers.

A hand embroidered pashmina to celebrate a 25th wedding anniversary featuring a quote of Anais Nin in nine blossoming buds.

Tenth wedding ‘tin’ anniversary gift with monogrammed linen tablenapkins and one which had a personal message of love and appreciation.

“Ros - it’s one of those incredible moments that leave you speechless; the tenderness and care with which you created the work, the delicacy, the subtlety, the spiritual resonance that floats from it like perfume.  You have created something fabulous and incredible.  I’m moved by it, and your care in making it.  You have soaked yourself into it too - the boys were transfixed and stood and just gaped at it, touching it and marvelling at it! You have really done it!”

Johann, South Africa